Friday, April 12, 2013

Our vision for our future...


Boy do we need these sunglasses.... our future's are so bright!

Monday, April 8, 2013

A.E meets the world famous Black Caps

Last week our very own A.E was selected to attend a Black Caps coaching camp! How very exciting.... A was lucky enough to get his photo taken with some of his hero's! We all know how talented A.E and his brother are at cricket and one day we know he will represent our country well. What an awesome effort and we can see how much he wants to succeed with his passion.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

We hope everyone has had a safe and happy Easter and that you all got a little something special (of the chocolate variety). If you went to church, went away, had an egg hunt or just relaxed we hope you have had a great break!