Sunday, August 25, 2013

Mrs Reid spent some of Sunday having a walk along her favourite beach. After having Mr Cochrane from Sustainable Coastlines come and talk to us she took a good look at what else was on the beach. This is what she picked up in only a short space of time and it is most upsetting to see it is mostly plastic and lots of the rings from milk and juice bottles. It is a good reminder to us all to put our rubbish IN THE BIN and if you can't find one, take it home! Let's see if we can try to make a change in how we leave our beaches.


  1. WOW - that makes me feel sick to the stomach to see that much rubbish picked up off one of New Zealand's beautiful beaches. But good on you Mrs Reid you're awesome for doing that. I hope some of the children in your class will feel inspired to do the same! Mr Hayward =)

  2. i really want to tidy up the world by picking up rubbish
